
acceptable rating中文什么意思

发音:   用"acceptable rating"造句
  • 允收等级
  • acceptable:    adj. 可接受的;合意的,(礼物等)令人满意的。
  • rating:    n. 叱责,斥责。 give a sound ratin ...
  • acceptable to:    适用于为……所接受的
  • not acceptable:    不接受; 不可接受; 无法接受
  • rating:    n. 1.分等级;定等级;估价;估计;分摊,分配;【电学】测定,计算;〔美国〕(考试的)批分数。 2.额定值,定额;参量;工作能力;(商店的)信用程度;〔英国〕地方税征收额。 3.【航海】(船舰或海员的)等级;(汽车等的)规格;〔pl.〕〔英国〕刚入伍的船员。 4.(电台、电视台经调查确定的)节目受欢迎的程度。 a nominal rating 标准规格。 a power rating 额定功率。 n. 叱责,斥责。 give a sound rating 严厉申斥一顿。
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  1. It may limit the amount of sparkover to an acceptable rate .
  2. However , i would highlight one particular problem which has received relatively little attention so far - it is the gap between the low credit ratings of the asian issuers and the minimum acceptable ratings required by the official reserve managers and institutional investors in asia
  3. Through their advice and training efforts , canadian dairy production technology and canadian dairy genetics are receiving widespread acceptance throughout the country . milk yield is improving at a very acceptable rate and milk consumption is increasing to the point where demand exceeds supply



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